Los Angeles Attorneys Fighting
for the Rights
of Employees
Tyler F. Clark
Los Angeles Employment Attorney
Employment law pertains to disputes in the workplace, typically those that arise between employees and their employers. For example, suppose you recently lost your job due to unfair treatment, encountered unethical or illegal behavior in your workplace, or believe your employer acted illegally against you. In that case, you need to know your rights under the employment laws and regulations of California as well as those under federal laws.
Representing Los Angeles, CA, Clients in Employment Disputes
Clark Employment Law, APC, is a specialty Los Angeles law firm focusing on employment disputes. Our goal is to protect workers’ rights in Los Angeles, especially for those who have had their livelihoods threatened by unethical employers and discriminatory situations. We know how to apply California state and federal employment laws to virtually any employment dispute. Rest assured that when you choose Clark Employment Law, APC, to represent you as your Los Angeles employment attorneys, we will devote the necessary time and attention to guide you through every phase of your case.
Why Do I Need a Los Angeles Employment Lawyer?
If you have encountered any legal dispute involving your place of work or your relationship with your employer or colleagues, it’s vital to know your rights and your legal options for rectifying the situation. The United States Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), and various other agencies at the federal and state levels enforce strict regulations for employers. No matter what job you do every day, you have certain rights that no employer or supervisor may violate.
Many people who experience workplace disputes may think they can reach solutions on their own. While it is technically possible to manage some employment disputes without legal counsel, it’s vital to know the value of reliable legal representation in certain situations. Clark Employment Law, APC, can provide a detailed overview of your recent workplace dispute, highlighting any areas of concern that demand legal action against an employer. In addition, attempting to navigate complex EEOC or DFEH claims and other proceedings through state or federal agencies will be much easier with an experienced Los Angeles employment attorney on your side.
Whether you are still in your job and require advice on how to handle a potential discrimination, harassment, or retaliation at work, or you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, we are here to help. We will represent you in litigation and will fight aggressively to recover the compensation you deserve. Contact the employment lawyers at Clark Employment Law today for your free consultation.
What Makes Clark Employment Law Different?
Clark Employment Law, APC, only takes a limited number of cases after a through intake and selection process. Unlike other firms, this allows us to maximize your recovery by putting the necessary time and work into your case. For example, where other firms might take over 100 clients, we only represent on average five to ten clients at a time. This is a significant advantage in employment litigation as we spend the appropriate amount of time on your case, which often leads to much better results than our competitors. Rest assured, you will be in good hands with Clark Employment Law, APC.
Types of Cases We Handle
You can rely on Clark Employment Law, APC, to provide comprehensive legal counsel in a wide range of employment cases. Our firm can provide the legal representation you need in various employment-related legal situations, including but not limited to:
- Sexual Harassment Claims. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature that happens to you because of your sex/gender. The harassing conduct does not have to be motivated by sexual desire, and it could happen to women or men. Sexual harassment may be obvious or subtle and it can take many different forms. For example:
- Unwanted sexual advances;
- Offering a job or promotion in exchange for sexual favor;
- Verbal abuse of a sexual nature;
- Sexually suggestive contact;
- Displaying sexual pictures or objects; or
- Making unwanted or inappropriate sexual jokes or inferences.
- Sexual harassment in a workplace is against the law if:
- Your employer makes employment decisions (hiring, firing, promoting, training, etc.) based on your submission to or rejection of the sexually harassing conduct; or
- The sexually harassing conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Third party witnesses to the sexual harassment may also have a claim if they can prove that the harassment is so severe that it prevents them from effectively doing their job.
Harassment claims are largely dependent on the specific facts and circumstances surrounding each individual’s case. Please contact our firm if you feel that you have been harassed or mistreated at work so that we can discuss the legal remedies that may be available to you. A team of Los Angeles based attorneys with expertise in employment law is here to assist you with your harassment case.
- Whistleblower Retaliation Actions. You have the right to report or complain about any health and safety issues, unsafe working conditions, or any fraudulent, illegal, or unethical conduct in your workplace. For example, suppose you are a doctor, nurse, health care worker, or care-taker at a long-term care facility, you observe your hospital or facility management fails to provide patients with the standard of due care. Or suppose you are a medical biller, your employer instructs or forces you to commit Medicare fraud by billing Medicare, Medicaid, or Medi-Cal for services that were not provided to patients, billing for unnecessary services, or misrepresenting the actual providers of service. Or your employer has failed to abide by state, federal, or local regulations, created an environmental hazard, or forced you to engage in any illegal or unethical conduct. In that case, you have the right to report this behavior to government or law enforcement agencies or your supervisor, manager, or company legal or human resources personnel without fear of losing your job. Our team can guide you through the process of filing a whistleblower complaint through the appropriate channels and provide the legal representation you may require if your employer retaliates against you because of your whistleblowing activities.
- Hostile Workplace Claims. You are entitled to work in a non-hostile or threatening environment, free of harassment. Harassment is unwanted or unwelcome advances, or visual, verbal or physical conduct that happens to you because of your protected characteristic(s) such as your gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability, race, religion, etc. If you have been mistreated or harassed in your workplace because of a legally protected characteristic, you have the right to demand a stop to this behavior. When internal conflict resolution channels fail to end workplace harassment, our experienced Los Angeles employment lawyer can provide the detailed guidance you need to navigate this difficult situation with confidence.
- Pregnancy Discrimination and Pregnancy Disability Leave. If your employer employs five or more employees and you have a pregnancy disability, you may be entitled to reasonable accommodation, job modification, transfer, or up to 4 months of job-protected pregnancy disability leave. This leave applies when you are actually disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. It can be taken intermittently or in form of a reduced work schedule. If you are disabled by pregnancy for more than 4 months, you may also be eligible for extended leave as a reasonable accommodation for your disability under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act or Americans with Disabilities Act. It is illegal for your employer to retaliate or terminate your employment because you are pregnant or because you request or take pregnancy disability leave. If you feel that you have been mistreated at work because of your pregnancy, please contact us so that we can discuss the legal remedies that may be available to you.
- FMLA Disputes. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) provide specific protections for employees who must take prolonged medical leaves of absence (whether continuous or intermittent leave) from work to address their own serious health conditions, care for a newborn child, newly adopted child, or care of a child newly placed in foster care, or care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition. If your employer unfairly denied your FMLA/CFRA request without justification, refuse to reinstate you to the same or a comparable position at the end of your FMLA/CFRA leave, or if your employer violated your rights under the FMLA/CFRA in any way, our employment lawyer can help you protect your rights to the job-protected medical leave and health benefits.
- Reasonable Accommodation. Disability discrimination occurs when an employer treats a qualified employee or applicant unfavorably because she or he has a mental disability, physical disability, or other medical conditions. An injury is considered a “disability” in the state of California if it limits you in a major life activity (i.e. walking, lifting, working, etc.) It is unlawful to treat a qualified employee or applicant less favorably because of a history of mental or physical disability, because of the employer’s belief that the employee may have a mental or physical disability, or because of the employee’s association/relationship with a person with a disability. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act and other related regulations also requires an employer of five or more employees to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee or job applicant with a physical or mental disability, unless doing so would cause undue hardship, meaning, significant difficulty or expense, for the employer. It is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against an employee for seeking or taking reasonable accommodation for the employee’s mental or physical disabilities. In this situation, our employment attorneys can help an employee take legal action.
- Discrimination Claims. It is illegal for California employers of five or more employees to discriminate against an employee or job applicant because of her/his protected characteristic(s) under the law. A protected characteristic includes: race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, age (40 and over), mental disability, physical disability, medical condition, sex, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, and/or military and veteran status. Employment discrimination happens when a member of a protected category is treated differently from other workers because of her/his protected characteristics. If you believe you have been the victim of discrimination in any way, our team will help you determine your best available legal options.
- Wage and Hour Disputes. Both California state and Federal laws protect employees from wage and hour violations. Such violations can include (but not limited to):
- failure to pay overtime,
- being required to work through meal break or rest break,
- being required to report to work but not being paid for the time you had to wait, or
- being terminated for complaining about such violations.
If your employer has somehow failed to pay you for your work properly under California state law, you have the right to demand fair payment. There are also specific rules pertaining to overtime, and it can be difficult to calculate some overtime disputes without experienced legal assistance. If you cannot secure proper compensation for your work through internal channels in your workplace, our firm will help you explore your options for legal recourse against your employer.
These are only a few examples of the types of cases we handle at Clark Employment Law, APC. Rest assured that no matter what employment dispute you face, our team will provide the aggressive and detail-oriented legal counsel you need to approach your case with clarity and confidence. In addition, depending on the nature of your employment dispute, you could potentially recover several types of compensation from your successful claim, including lost wages, wrongfully withheld wages and income from promotions or pay increases you were unfairly denied, emotional or mental distress damages, and, in some cases, punitive damages.
What to Expect From Your Los Angeles Employment Attorney
Hiring the right attorney can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of any employment dispute. Whether you’re trying to recover your fairly earned wages, hold an employer accountable for discrimination in the workplace, or file a whistleblower complaint in good faith, you need legal counsel you can trust as you navigate these challenging situations.
Clark Employment Law, APC, maintains a balanced caseload to ensure we can provide every client with the highest level of legal expertise, professional resources, and personal attention. We believe in providing client-focused legal counsel for every case we accept. We’ll take time to get to know you and your situation to provide the best possible legal representation for your employment dispute.
It’s easy to feel alienated when you experience a workplace dispute. Our goal is to help you better understand your situation and fully exercise all your legal rights. If you are ready to discuss your legal options with a trustworthy Los Angeles employment attorney, contact Clark Employment Law, APC today at (818) 741-2101 to schedule your free consultation with our team.